I understand your concern and broken bones in the elderly tend to be a very emotive subject particularly hips.
\\\\\If you were me, would you contact somebody. I'd just like to make sure she's getting proper physio.\\\
No, I cannot see any point in mother having a physiotherapist after 3 weeks either for her hip or her shoulder ( I assume you mean for her hip?)
She would be partially weight bearing the day after operation, walking up and down the ward with crutches on day 2or 3 and home on crutches where she should continue weight bearing with crutches at her own pace.
What could a physio do now?
\\\\\My Mum, being her typical determined self, had been pushing herself and has been trying to walk without her crutches.\\\
Well done mum......that is the right spirit.
I don't know what she was told on discharge, or when she was discharged, but she would have got the "hang of things" within the first post operative week. Her stitches would have been taken out, and the wound, if clean, would not need a dressing........changed or otherwise.
In my opinion, that standard of treatment is par for the course in most health care systems in the world.
Give my regards to mum.