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83 Year Old

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Psybbo | 19:51 Sun 01st Mar 2015 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
A dear friend is suffering flu symptoms and right leg pain, ears blocked.
What can I do to help


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I hope this does not sound facetious, but I would say call her doctor.
Hi , illness is harder to bear when we get on a bit. Administer their usual pain control and offer as many fluids as they can manage. A steamy bath ( with supervision) and lots of encouragement and cuddles.
This "right leg pain"......where is the pain, front, back , calf...where?
Is the leg swollen and is the calf painful?
How long has she had her symptoms?
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Thanks for your replies. I'm not sure about where the pain in her leg is, Sqad. Yes Jack I'll do that tomorrow, today I'm at my mother's.
Flump I'll do that too.
Can't really add to anything that's already been said, sibs. I just hope you don't catch it, if it is flu.
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That's what she's worried about, Tilly. I'll know more tomorrow and the GP will be called x

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83 Year Old

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