Yer, Chrissa, stand so taal,
owa us aal.
Yer arms,
Labbie wings,
ready te enfold us ABers.
Across Warky country,
Northern sky,
place 'nd time,
yer bring us hyem.
An angel ern
tha horizon,
Ed's periphery,
a sherrard mutha haading her bairns.
The 'Spanna' was the main attraction in Whitley Bay which in the 50s and 60s
was an attractive seaside town. It is now virtually derelict, the only remnant being the Moorish frontage to what was once the amusement park. What a contrast to South Shields, just across the river, who have a beautiful natural park, complete with ducks, swans and a miniature railway, as well as a thriving amusement park.
We love Northumberland, could become our final resting place. Re boundary changes in the '70s, in Bolton we always called ourselves Lancashire, none of that Great Manchester nonsense!
Great programme, wonderful county, I was born right up on the BOrder to Scots parents, and to go 'Home' even for a few days recharges my batteries And I feel refreshed