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It Had to be done.........

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jd_1984 | 12:52 Fri 06th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Sick to death of cold callers and people ringing me left right and centre trying to advertise their "great deal". I had to keep one of them going today.
I wont script the whole conversation but suffice to say I kept him on the phone for well over 10 minutes pretending to be "oh so grateful" that he had CHOSEN ME to tell me just how much I could save on my energy bills. Naturally all the info I gave him was complete nonsense. I continued to thank him for all his helpfulness and allowed him to waffle on for ages on loudspeaker whilst I continued to do my jobs in the house. I kept him on so long my asking him to repeat almost every question and then I would take a bit of time answering, often firing back a logical (yet irrelevant) question back.

After 10 mins he asked for my bank details.
My response was "Absolutely not you moronic ***, I would rather stick my testicles in honey and stick them in a bee hive"

He then got angry with me (this was fantastic, more than I bargained for... I expected to hear him hang up).
But No, he got angry with me for wasting HIS TIME.
Priceless, my OTT laughter only enraged him more. Having exhausted his English Language he began to shout at me in his mother tongue.
Then, he hung up.
For once its nice to know the cold caller finishes the call in a far worse mood than you.

Accuse me of being petty, I felt it was about time....


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sorry not interested thank you. put the phone down............. not difficult.
The problem (for me) is that they won't accept "I'm not interested, thank you" as a definitive answer, and within a couple of days they're calling again.

I'm always polite with them (can't not be, it's not in my nature to be rude) but it's becoming more and more difficult to keep my patience.
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Sometimes it just makes you feel better though :)
Everyone can do what they want with regards to these cold callers..I do what I want and they do what they want. Sorted.
Pompous, whitty, whatever... ;o)
Shame? Me? Absolutely none :)
Why waste 10 minutes of your time when simply putting the phone down would suffice? Its not going to make any difference they will still call. If you are polite and ask them to take you off the data base it sometimes works,if you are nice to them they are more likely to do this than if you are offensive.
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Ooh, answer removed??
I anticipated my post would divide. But what we all can agree on is that cold calling is a nuisance. Yes, we can sympathise with those who take call centre job's out of necessity or desperation but there are a high percentage of calls being received that are hoaxes, designed to get as much personal information as possible.
My gut feeling is that my caller was a hoax caller. Either that or totally unsuitable for his job, not representing his "company" well at all. Either way, I am content with my actions.

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It Had to be done.........

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