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Ringtones ..

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Elina | 12:18 Wed 11th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Just had a text conversation with sister about my ringtone. I said I'm changing it today, now I've gone grey I feel kind of conscious about it. She said, why what is it? I said 'Laid' by James & told her the lyrics & said DONT ring me! LOL. So, what's YOUR ringtone? ;0)


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Tubular Bells, or the theme from the Exorcist, if you prefer
Mr Big Stuff by Jean Knight.

I have the theme tune to the 70's/80's cop show 'The Professionals'.
My ring tone is....the sound of a phone ringing.

I chose that ringtone for one simple reason - IT'S A PHONE!!!!!!
At last ^^^^
I used to have Peter Kay who's ringing - pick it up you'll never know. Mt grandson changed it for me I now have Flower of Scotland & Granddad G has the Good the Bad and the Ugly
Mine is the Samsung wolf whistle. Woop Wooop. Why do you need more?
Psybbs....I nearly spat my tea over the laptop then when I noticed your change of avatar lol
This is my ringtone.
Another one coming up soon with 4 blooms! Mrs_O x

Mine is the Royal Marine Sniper ring tone but I doubt if most of you would appreciate it. :-)
Hawaii Five O theme tune :)
This one, queenie. book him danno.
I prefer the stock ringtones provided
I thought that tony's would have been, "we're going down, down, down."

Mine is like Psybbs and Mrs O's, a ring, it's a bloody phone and not an entertainment centre.
It has its draw backs though, standing at a counter in a shop, wondering why the sales woman doesn't answer the ruddy phone, yes, you've guessed it, it was mine!
Elina, Vision On

Roobarb and Custard

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Mrs O/ psybbo & Dt .... you miserable *** lol! ... Have some of this ... my next ringtone ;0) x

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