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6Music Listeners - Name That Song From 2014?

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ConstantCraving | 17:24 Sat 14th Mar 2015 | Music
6 Answers
Hello, I am trying to locate a song that was played quite a bit on 6Music this time last year. However I can only remember a small part of it, a North American female singer saying the word 'electricity' like this:


I thought it was Jenny Lewis or Sharon Van Etten, but the song is not on the albums released by those singers in 2014. Nor is the song on the St Vincent album released in 2014.

Any help greatly appreciated :-)


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Any chance you mean the 'Electricity' remix by Draper featuring Isabel Higuero? She doesn't stretch out all the vowels though.
Nor is it likely you mean the one from 'Billy Elliott'.
Could it be Captain Beefheart?
Wow! That brought back a few memories. The delivery of the word in question was spot on in relation to the OP's description, but you'd have to be pretty stoned to think you were listening to a female singer. And would this have been played 'quite a bit' last year?
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Thanks for taking time to respond.

No it is not Draper Ft Isabel H
No it isn't CB but as Angry Uncle says, the sung line 'Electricity' at the beginning is very similar to the song Im looking for, but the vocals are a lot softer!

My song is a ballad by someone like Jenny Lewis or Sharon van Etten, for those familiar with those artists.

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6Music Listeners - Name That Song From 2014?

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