well i won't be able to watch it couldn't find any glasses.i'm sure when i went to school many moons ago we made them from sweet wrappers but i could be getting confused .
A safe way to watch (I've done this) is as follows: You need a pair of binoculars and a piece of white card. Sit with your back to the sun. Hold the binoculars the 'wrong way' round, with the large lens pointing back, over your shoulder, towards the sun. You can now focus the sun's disc on your card, and you can watch the moon creeping over the sun on the card.
Peter Pedant: I've just now seen your post of 0856 today. I'm glad that you found my method useful. I used it this morning, and it was OK for a quick look only, because I couldn't hold the binoculars steady enough.
Stood outside in anticipation this morning, and......nothing. Far too cloudy in Hampshire today. Am convinced the eclipse was taken over by National Rail - 'Eclipse delayed by several years due to cloud in the sky / leaf on the line / staff shortage' ;)