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tamborine | 09:35 Sat 21st Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
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Good grief
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On Aljazeera news. They teachers are bribed to look away.

Blimey when there were rumours of cheating in Leeds Med Sch
the Dean calmed fears by stating that if he found anyone cheating he would chuck them out ! - [ not of the exam, of med sch ]

and then made them all retake the relevant papers
Retakes after being chucked out? Bit pointless ain't it?
My best story is when I and a colleague were invigilating a CSE exam (remember those?). The paper was European Studies (for those too thick to learn a foreign language). One boy refused to put pen to paper as he didn't know any of the answers. My colleague went to him and said, "You can answer this one; What wine do we get from Portugal?" The lad still didn't get it so my mate persevered with PORTugal. Eventually the penny dropped and he wrote UGAL.

In one school, ( not mine ) the math master who was invigilating said - if anyone cant do a question I will show him how to do it

and down the road ( me) our invigilator ( supply english teacher ) said - same exam No no log tables....
which was kinda funny ( no talking ) as it was Maths B and full of questions about sine and cosines ( and logs)

Tha math master went ballistic when we came out and told him
and demanded that anyone who had attempted the q should get 10/10 but none of us had, because we knew we woulnt be able to complete the questions...

an early lesson on how people in authority may just not know what they are doing - but did I need to learn that ?

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