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Witty Sayings.

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Georgiesmum | 15:11 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
What are the witty sayings you remember from your past? In the 1960's we had to take it in turns to make everyone tea at break time.After drinking his tea our boss used to say" Ah! Im like two men now, one dead and one dying!"


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"Come on, get aff, the bus is starting to stop." as said by the clippies on the buses in the 1970s.

Grumpy old bloke used to come into our Local and without fail he would get his favourite 'quote' in

Women are only good for two things and one of those is frying bacon.
"Act daft and I'll buy you a coal yard"
When I used to ask my mum what's for tea, she would reply "A jump at the door and a bite of the latch"
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"if I don't see you through the week, I'll see you through the window"
Whenever she was asked her age my great aunt would reply, "As old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth."
You never know what's round the corner even on a straight road.
'If you keep doing that you'll go blind'
When asked to repeat something Gran would say "I don't boil my cabbages twice" , she was from oop north.
He always makes his tea fortnightly (too weak), and,
Are you reading that paper you're sitting on?
When I asked my grandma how old she was she would say "as old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth"
My grandmother, on having a weak cup of tea, would say, "Water bewitched and tea begrudged."
Another thing she would say if she saw a bargain " cheap at twice the price"
If there is enough blue in the sky to make a sailor boy's trousers it will be a fine day.
If you've been shipwrecked he's been drowned!
First keep your castle secure before going on raiding parties.
If at first you don't succeed pack it in and don't be a charlie.
Reliable as a baby's bum
Favourite sayings of my lovely Grandma:

Look at her, she's got a face like a slapped backside.
When asked what's for tea, she'd reply 'three jumps at the pantry door'.
When asked how she likes her cup of tea, she'd reply, 'don't mind so long as its hot and wet'.
When asked what she wanted as a present, she'd say 'a monkey up a stick'!

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