He is just a thief, no more or less.
I was a BT witness, in a Magistrates Court, about 25 years ago. A few of our telephone boxes had been broken into, for the cash. In all, the cash amounted to about £200 but the damage caused to the structures cost us £1000's to put right.
I had to appear before the Court on behalf of BT. The defence chap, a bit of a Mr Toad, with a doubled-barreled name like Pugh-Jones, or Jenkins-Lewis, said that £200 didn't seem such a lot of money to a big wealthy company like BT.
I replied that I expected he was not short of a bob or two either, but if I leaned over and cut his tied in half, I don't expect he would be very pleased, would he ?
The Chairman of the Bench snorted a bit and asked me not to be flippant, but there was a ripple of giggles around the Court !