Can anyone tell me, should I be soaking the cloths I use to clean kitchen worktops etc in diluted bleach or a disinfectant to clean them? or should I just say 'sod it, they're not expensive' and buy new cloths regularly?
Tend to soak my in disinfectant every couple of days until they start looking grotty then I chuck them. You can also apparently sterilise damp cloths but putting them in the microwave on High for 60 seconds.
We use for them for one or at most two days then put them in the washing machine. This way a cloth will last for months and always be fresh. Note that lightly wiping worktops with vinegar is excellent as a sterilising (and deodorising) agent.
bung them in the dishwasher too, over the cutlery basket or do as i do, use WIPES, god i love wipes or spray and wipe with kitchen roll then disgard. No smelly unhygienic cloths ever again!