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Cards For A Boy

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Ric.ror | 12:36 Wed 01st Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Okay - so instead of another egg for Easter I got the precious babe a card to go on the wall. The card says 'and though she be little she is fierce' which I liked (and hope) for her
Now what to get the son and heir - bearing in mind he is not one yet
Any suggestions would be greatly received


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Nice words, you know they're from a Midsummer Night's Dream? Anyway how about some educational/musical/mobile type toy to play with? No chocolate though :-)
How about a nice cuddly toy? My son got a cuddly toy for his first Easter and he still has it - he's 25!!
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Neither of them need Clothes, toys or Chocolate eggs - they have 4 Grannies - 2 of whom could never have children so I will let you guess how spoilt they are!

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