When you hear that terrorist have blow up & killed / Injured / maimed Men / Women / Children? I have just watched the Early news & they were talking about that person in New York the caused that bomb to blow the day of that marathon, it has been reported that the Death Penalty may apply, I have anger inside me when I hear these stories about persons getting killed for no reason & my view's are, when the terrorist's get caught, like a dog that bites, put them down, I know my views are strong on this as I have said before, but that is my opinion, what is your views on the Terrorist / Bombers that do not give a toss about human life.
The west doesn’t create martyrs - the concept of martyrdom exists within the philosophy. Sparing the lives of mass murderers doesn’t make them any less admired by those who support their actions.
//The lesser of two evils would be to execute them but not give them an appropriate Muslim burial -that would never happen of course due to 'ooman rites'//
It happened to Bin Laden –allegedly. No shrine for him.
I agree ummmm, as you say it's the numbers involved and the reasons as well of course the way they carry out these murders. I tried to use a swear word disguised but it got asterisked out! x