baja! baja!....what an interesting question as you bring up a very salient point :
\\\\are all small villages in the dales like this ?\\\
The following is only my opinion derived from many years working in the Dales and the rural parts of Yorkshire.
The Yorkshire men considers the southerners as "Southern Jessies" but believe me, there are more "big girl's blouses" in Yorkshire than you might imagine. The idea of a Yorkshireman as a rugged handsome, no nonsense male depicted by a humourless Geof Boycott who takes 2 days to make a hundred at Lords and then gives his girlfriend a "good going over" a total myth.
The Yorkshire villages have their fair share of "gays" "cougars" and even MILFs and the depiction of this in Emmerdale is not far off the truth.
There is a triangle of Whitby, York , Malton and Scarborough which is particularly represented by these interesting traits, as in the winter, snowbound villages, there is nothing else to do.
Just my opinion.