you cant find words of comfort - nothing you say will make them feel just need to let your friends (or whoever they may be) know you love them and are there for them. it's like me watching people tell my patients with mental health problems (severe and life-long) that everything will be ok. it wont be and never will be.....but you can offer encouragement that over time they will be able to think about it with less pain/distress and learn to cope with what is happening. that is maddening (especially as i have long term mental health problems and know that it will never be ok in my eyes) and causes alienation as you feel people do not understand and it is not useful. i would also suggest they contact their gp for help if they are struggling with mood/anxiety or distress; and an organisation that is appropriate for their circumstances that can support them professionally (have a hunt on the internet). tread carefully as you dont want them to think that you are invalidating what they say, as it will be interpreted as you dont understand....even if you are well meaning. it makes you feel like what you feel does not matter or is wrong, even with the best of intentions.