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Where In London Could This Be.?

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barney15c | 00:14 Sat 11th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
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you sure you want to reveal your name on that? (If that's what it is.)

Don't recognise it - somewhere in the City perhaps, the buildings look too substantial for suburbia. It looks like an RT bus, which were in use from 1939; so it's possibly part of town destroyed in the war.
the second one is Victoria - you can see the station top left, and here's another clearer photo
sorry, just realised you said the 60s, so not prewar; but I still can't spot anything I know of for the first photo.
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I think the 2nd photo shows the large building in Carlisle Place so the vantage point is set back further. Thanks for the lead as regards Victoria Station
victoria station in there.
What puzzles me about the first photo is that if it was taken from a taller building, where is that building's shadow?
The other shadows are on the west side of the buildings stuey so you wouldn't see the taller building's shadow as it will be out of view on the left?
OK, Captain2. So if the photo was wider and showed more, we would see the taller building's shadow to the extreme left.

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Where In London Could This Be.?

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