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Cheryl's Birthday

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B00 | 17:07 Wed 15th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Another "gone viral" to pickle your noggins....

And no, sorry, I don't know the answer, and I can't even begin to work it out either!


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Saw it in the Mirror and decided no way, sudoku is bad enough!
Already been posted:

For your entertainment I posted a similar, but harder, problem in the Science board:
Question Author
oopsie, didn't know it had already been posted- soz.
The answer is.......... drum roll........... July 16. How do i know? I turned the newspaper upside down and read the answer:-)
Here she is, Jim and B00, cutting into a dtc birthday cake?
Though i did get a few of the others correct without cheating.
I got the right answer but by the wrong reasoning. That is, I wasn't looking closely enough to spot that 16 wasn't the only number which didn't appear twice.

The statements by the two blokes are essential to the solution but I disregarded them, thinking they were there for the purpose of misdirection.

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Cheryl's Birthday

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