Has anyone got one of these cigarettes,and if so are they any good.I have just ordered one and the reviews for it were fantastic.One person said they had'nt had a cigarette since they started using it, over a month ago.
Thanks boxtops I really am trying, I have noticed my horrendous cough is disappearing,my mam would say to me when out shopping " I can find you anywhere in the store through your hacking cough", not now.
Hi all Abers,I'm just back to say that it has now been 5 weeks and 4 days since starting these e-lite cigarettes and still not had a real ciggy,I am so proud of myself.Cough gone,skin looking really good even OH says so.I feel good.Anyone out there tried it since I posted a while a go?
Hi all Abers,I'm just back to say that it has now been 5 weeks and 4 days since starting these E-lite cigarettes and still not had a real ciggy,My husband is so proud of me and so am I.Cough gone,skin looking good. Anyone one out there tried these since I posted about this a little time ago?
I don't really get this. So you are relying on a different prop now, and one which is unregulated so you don't know what rubbish they are putting in them. When are you planning to give these up? My daughter is now smoking almost as many of these as she did real cigs.
A bit long in answering this ladybirder.but do you not think your daughter is feeling healthier for it,did she have a cough and has it gone? Look at her properly and has her skin improved?
Hey fredkins ,I am using these Electronic cigarette .....They are just awsome.It is 15 puffs=1 cigarette ,so no harm for your body.You can use all day.