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Baked Beans On..

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kylesmum | 01:16 Sat 18th Apr 2015 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
toast (at the side or soggy on top ) or baked potato ?

Without or without raw onion?

With or without cheese?

Me? Beans on a buttered, seasoned baked tattie with cheese and raw onions sprinkled on top with a dash of Lea and Perrins.....yum !

What way do you like your baked beans?


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Sausages,boiled potatoes and beans all chopped up and mixed together with much salt ( i know!) and eaten with a fork only;-) Bliss!
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.... Over a poached egg on toast / On toast with curry powder added as 1ozzy said. Also! .. cold on top of a slice of cheddar on a cracker .. honest .. it works!
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I'm starving now after reading all that !
Guess what's on the supper menu tonight :)

I'm with the cold beans peeps...a full tin rarely, if ever, reaches the pot..yum !

bukmoreland....your recipe was a favourite of my kids and still is, except I used lorne sausage and sprinkled some chilli pepper.

Oh and cheesy beans....they were another favourite. Honestly, I didn't just bring them up on beans....they had gruel as well ;)
Flavour from baked beans are mainly to do with the sauce. AS for how to have them, well whatever takes one's fancy at the time.

Toast. On top if it is just beans on toast. At the side if there are poached or fried eggs involved as they go on top of the toast. They're too subtly flavoured to be overwhelmed immediately by the sugary tomato sauce.

Potato. Either really. I prefer them over the top but I never seem to get the baked potato opened up like they do in cafes etc..

Cheese is always optional, especially if on a diet.

Or just with a meal such as sausage mash & beans.

I don't eat as many baked beans as I used to. Maybe a tin a month these days.
I made some of nigellas chilli jam - and it's delicious stirred into baked beans!
Whole tin of Heinz beans on 3 slices of hot buttered toast, either cheese or egg on the top, divine!!!
I have been known to thicken beans with some bisto, omg, chicken beans.
Jacket potato, cheesy beans with a dash of Reggae reggae sauce yum yum
I love beans with most things. My favourite has to be the simple beans on toast (medium, not to brown or crispy), spread thickly with butter. Grated cheese and mayonnaise stirred with in with the beans, a dash of Worcester sauce and poured over the toast whilst still steaming hot. Ooh, and a generous helping of coleslaw on the side. Served with a cup of tea. Lovely.

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Baked Beans On..

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