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Charity Shops

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mrs_overall | 15:19 Tue 21st Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
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Is is just me or does anyone else think they are becoming too expensive?
In a recent visit to one local Mind shop I found a Per Una top for sale for £9.99 which had a whacking great non-repairable hole in the back. I also spotted a brand new Primark top still bearing the original price label. The charity shop were selling it for £1 more than it originally cost!


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Maggiebee- I have come across this loads of times, Charity shops think "atmosphere " is a designer label and charge double what it costs originally. Have pointed it out, but they just shrug their shoulders and say it's not down to them or something similar.
17:36 Tue 21st Apr 2015
That's sickening mackfender, that would definitely put me off from donating to that particular charity.
My local Oxfam shop is very reasonably priced.
GD loves retro stuff, often buy there for her (size 8), usually about £2.99 to £4.99 a garment.
I volunteer in a charity book and music shop. We sell some of the donations online on our main website.

The fiction books are usually in perfect condition and sell well. We used to throw stuff out - but only items that would never sell or were in poor condition. These days it is recycled, passed on to other branches. We try to minimise what is binned.

We have one part-time manager and the rest of us are volunteers.

The library is a bus ride away. Charity shops selling books within walking distance. £1 a book then I recycle them to another charity shop. Bargain!
I think some of them check on E-bay to find out costs ...misses the point a bit doesn't it. If they carry on like that, it will spell their demise IMO.
Friend who works in one complains of the incidence of theft increasing. No excuse but maybe some folk who cannot afford the increased prices just take what they need.
The charity shops here are quite reasonable in their pricing. I counted a total of 22 within 1.5 miles of the city centre...and they do a roaring trade. My favourite is run by a local hospice. Most clothing is in the £3-5 range with good quality high street brands. Plus they also sell gently used special occasion dresses. Other shops are still looking somewhat dowdy...with that old clothing smell.:-(
I used to work in that shop mackfender, in our local high street.

We used to sell lots of baby clothes, we never put them in the bin, that shouldn't happen.

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