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Why Be A Politician?

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DaisyNonna | 22:36 Wed 22nd Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Always wondered why.
A sense of 'I know better than you what is good for you'?
Power? Self aggrandisement? Publicity? Money? The need to be important?
To move in the right circles? To be part of history?


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I think that most of them start off with the best of intentions but become corrupted by the system along the way.

The government attempt to run the country will so many million back-seat drivers telling them where they are going wrong.

Not a job that I could do - my skin is not that thick.

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Corrupted by the system?
No excuse.
Morally degenerate?
Maybe it is the type of personality that this type of job attracts.

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Why Be A Politician?

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