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Cauliflower Recipes Please !

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loulou111 | 10:45 Wed 29th Apr 2015 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
I got lots of budget Cauliflowers, whilst shopping last night. Any ideas other than cauliflower cheese.?


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LL - I haven't read all of the links - I loathe Cauli and also the smell but I cook it for the sister. Cook and mash cauli - then after you have dry-fried your bacon - put cauli onto pan and enjoy. She loves it. I Do that for pamphrey too.
Before you get sick of the sight of it why not freeze some to extend the joy!
Pickled cauliflower is tasty, many a recipe for that online.

We often make a juicy cauliflower curry. It absorbs the spices and juices and tastes wonderful. A cauliflower was 39p at the supermarket a few weeks ago, so I've been through a few recipes since :)
Why answer just to say you hate it??

Cauli puree goes really well with seafood, especially scallops.

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Cauliflower Recipes Please !

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