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red46 | 19:40 Wed 29th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Does anyone know of this company who sell goods online or have phone number for them .I have ordered goods and not received them ,I have E-mailed but had response ,


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Did you pay by credit card?

Nearly every Google search on that company says to 'avoid like the plague'.
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No Debit card
moral for future reference is pay by credit card if you have one; it means you can ask for your money back from them as well as the seller. If they don't take credit cards, move quietly away.
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Thanks for the info.
It's always best to check reviews BEFORE ordering!

GoGroopie appears to be a pathetic attempt to emulate what Groupon does reasonably well but its 'London only' approach shows that it's still very small (as, indeed, does the fact that it has used the 'total exemption - small' means of filing its accounts with Companies House, showing that it's turnover is less than £6.5m). It's possibly run by just one guy working from home!

However these phone numbers might help you:
The protection given by using a credit card only applies to purchases over £100, so may not have helped you.
But a debit card may cover you under the chargeback scheme
Question Author
Thanks again all for your help.

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