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Dee Sa | 07:12 Thu 30th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
what will happen if the royal baby arrives on election day ?


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then they have a choice of names Dee - maybe nicola or nigel LOL
surely it will pop before then...expect they wouldn't tell till next day
I read somewhere that they intend to keep the birth announcement to themselves for a day or so
Iread somewhere that they have been told they will have the baby by saturday.
ooft.............. cancel the election !!
On election day is fine, the reporters have little else to talk about.

will he vote royally in his nappy ?
i think she's already had it. On my way to work today the whole traffic was stopped by six flashing lights police motorbkes to allow two cars to come past. I reckon it was her!

let's hope, if the baby arrives on election day, he/she doesn't lose his/her deposit

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