The wonth of May today. I wonder if anyone will be Maypole dancing, do people still do that?
the barbie is out of the shed and cleaned down ready to use. all I need now is some warm weather without the cold wind. Not today methinks!
Tiggy is doing a fine job hoovering up the slugs and snails, I haven't seen a live one yet, but plenty of evidence that the wee lad is on the case. He loves the pancetta I put out for him too.
What happens today very much depends on the weather. Cloudy at the moment but it doesn't smell like rain. We shall see.
Well I did buy a lovely boned and rolled pork loin to roast for dinner tonight but I've since been informed the offspring won't be here so I'll save it for tomorrow.
Looks like leftovers for Mrs.Oz and I tonight.
And no cheese and onion chippies in sight,,,sob,sob.
Roast pork ain't right without apple sauce Wendi.
Send me a slice of cake please.
Crackling needs to be eaten as is Minty, couldn't agree more.
I'm dropping in and out at the moment, "interweb" problems. Not at my end though. It's the mob I send lots of money to that are stuffing up.
So,,,bye all.