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Unusual First Names.

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Georgiesmum | 17:10 Fri 01st May 2015 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Who do you know with really weird or unusual english first names?
I know a pegga and a zillah. (both girls)


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Some years ago in Canada - I heard the mother shouting at her wee boy - Elvis Elvis your tea is ready.
Interestingly JJ 'Elvis' owes it's origin to the Irish.

//Elvis is a given name. It is an Anglicisation of the name of the Irish saint Ailbe of Emly.[1] The earlier meaning of Ailbe is uncertain; it may have been understood in the Middle Ages to derive from Irish ail, 'rock',[2] but this is unlikely to have been its historical meaning. In internet sources, the name is widely claimed to derive from Old English Eall-wīs, meaning "all-wise", but the development of w > v would be irregular and the name is not, in any case, attested in Anglo-Saxon sources;[3] it is possible that this claim is inspired by the existence of the Old Norse mythological name Alvíss.[4] Other alternative etymologies have been proposed for the name, including that it is derived from the surname Elwes, and that it is related to the name Alwyn.//
Or I should say possibly owes it's origin.
Dave, I've been known to get wasted on Shiraz too.......
just kidding Mamy - I am going to be the spelling police

it's should be its - it's means it is. Sorry LOL
If it makes you happy carry on.
My sister told me about an article she read in her newspaper - a woman in France has named her daughter Chlamydia - she just liked the sound of it!!
Mother Superior called all the Nuns together in the refectory one evening and said to them: "I must tell you all something. We have a case of Gonorrhea in the convent."

"Thank God," said an elderly Nun at the back. "I'm so sick of that Chardonnay

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