I want to buy my mother a cheap digital camera for Christmas, but there's so many of them I don't know where to start. It's only going to be used to take pics for webpages so resolution doesn't have to be that high, but it would be handy if it could take decent indoor pics. She's not very technically minded so it has to be quite easy to use. Are these tiny cameras that are also webcams (which she won't use) any good? Any help is much appreciated!
try this site http://www.kelkoo.co.uk/
u can search by price or brand and compare diff makes and models--depends what u mean by cheap--can be as little as �35 but u don't get much for that--i recently got one for my sister for her son--a Jenoptik 31m--got it in jessops tho u can buy it from them online http://www.jessops.com/shop.cfm
this u get 3.1 megapixels--8mb internal memory--viewing monitor--self timer--can be used as web cam --video clips with sound--any less than this then ur not likely to get as much--eg no viewer so can only see results after u've loaded them to ur pc--hope this helps
I have a Fuji A202 which is small ,light and easy to operate.There is a view screen which is good and a video function which isnt.It takes good indoor photos and great outdoor ones. I love having it and carry mine around whereever I am.It cost �150 last year but is around �80-90 this year.Boots have 10% off just now.