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Wow ...

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sunny-dave | 11:05 Sun 03rd May 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
... I have no idea about the physics behind this - but it makes me go 'WOW'


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That is just beautiful...when you've sussed it out will you come and make one on my patio please.......the reverse one would be great...especially when guests have had a glass or two.....x
That's very good, particularly the reverse one.
That's quite weird, alright. Can't think of a caption though.
Blimey thats great. gawd, gotta go for a wee.
Brilliant, thanks Dave! :-))
everything has a natural frequency and when you have two that match up, then you can get this oscillation effect. It's why soldiers are made to break rank when marching over a bridge......
WOW - Wonderfully Orchestrated Water
As a professional physicist this works by magic.

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Wow ...

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