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chicken pox

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rugeleyboy | 15:35 Sun 30th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

my 4 year old son came down with it on friday morning, he is covered today and in great discomfort in his below area!

how long does this last,we are covering him in comamile cream,it helps but.................. you never like to see your kids in pain!!

also, we have a 3 year ols as well,is she gaurenteed to get it?



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get some junior piriton if u can it really will help tho it might make him drowsy, but that is a good thing. the piriton will stop the itching, you've probably missed the supermarkets but there should be a duty chemist
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cheers for that dot, the present Mrs rugeleyboy is already giving him that.
Hey RB, so sorry for your little one. The itchiness shouldn't last too long and you are doing the best thing for him with the cammomile lotion, not much else you can do. Try not to let him scratch if possible so he doesn't get scarring. I would have thought the chance of you little girl getting is pretty high. Its for the best though, its done then. The older you are when you get it the worse it is,so they say. I was 19!!!! Not nice.
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hi jules.......... we are trying to not let him scratch anything, and in all fairness he has been as good as gold!!

but his old boy,or should i say,young boy is itching!!! and all men know what happens when that itches!!!! poor little kid, also, im'e useless, i wont rub camomile into his thing!!!


If you try giving him a luke warm bath with approx 1-2 cup fulls of vinegar in it - that will stop the itching ...Sound like an old wives tale but it REALLY works and quick, my mum used this when we were little and I still use it for any itchy skin things eg prickly heat etc.

Hope this helps

A xXx

My daughter has just had it aswell. Try a warm bath with bicarbonate of soda ( 2 table spoons ) it helps dry the spots and stops the itching. It works!

You could also try the homeopathic remedy Rhus Tox. This seemed to work well for my son when he had chicken pox.

There is every chance that your 3 year old will get it - probably no bad thing. Best to get it over and done with!

It won't get rid of the itching, but my son enjoyed the poem at the following link (fifth poem down the page):

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nice one ceebee, me and my son just read it!!

yes its 1.30am and he's still up the poor little thing?

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