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marval | 21:31 Wed 06th May 2015 | Jokes
12 Answers
I've come up with an idea for a spray that clears the air of all smells.

I went to the patent office and the guy said; "This is madness!"

"No." I said. "This is Non-Scents"


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So you came on here to get a plug in?
Question Author
We will need it soon, it must be nearly time for The Eurovision Pong Contest.
Did he show you the odour
When he showed you the odour, did he sing arrivedrci aroma?
Was he aRomany?
Question Author
He did give me a nice bouquet.
Glade it had a happy ending. Perhaps he was an aerosol man.
Question Author
As long as nothing got on his air wick.
Scented candles for the wind.
Three bugs in the bathroom, number one said to number two, "where is that smell coming from?" number two said

"it's not me it must be de udder ant"
Very good, Mr Hucknall :)
My jokes are better than my singing scorpiojo, you really would not want to hear me sing:(

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