Technology17 mins ago
The good old US of wide America....
13 Answers
....are being blamed by the Russians, for their recent decision to also pull out of the Kyoto treaty, and now it seems the treaty is not workable and we are destined for global warming. (thanks USA!) My question is to any USA ABers - was the USA's decision to pull out of Kyoto justifyable? Did Bush do it for the good of America or for the good of himself? I'd appreciate your opinion - obviously the USA is no longer on environmentalists' christmas card lists, and i'm starting to wonder too.....
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hi Darth!! I believe that Bush did this because his campaign for the presidency received financial sponsorship from corporations and industries which stand to gain increased profits from not having to bother with proper disposal of hazardous waste, or by disposing it outside of the USA. If someone sponsors you (your campaign, etc.), you feel indebted to them, and you might feel like you have to look out for *their* interests in the future, as your payback to them. This is NOT to say that I agree with any of these actions, or even with the logic... it is simply the tragic truth of the matter. Traditionally, Republican candidates for any political office receive financial backing from corporations, whereas Democratic candidates receive financial backing from environmental groups. A candidate who doesn't have financial sponsorship of some kind, from somewhere, will never make it to office. A campaign costs the candidate a lot of money, and he/she really can't finance it all by him-/herself. Of course this situation is NOT good for America herself, as pollutants from any one country will spread all over the world, and eventually right back to our own USA. It is only "good" for the corporations and industries who end up saving a little money. Anyway, this is why I vote Democrat, although lots of people are understandably disenchanted with the entire system.... sigh.
Oops, I neglected to answer one of your questions, there. I don't think the USA's decision to pull out of Kyoto was justifiable. Too bad I'm not president, ha ha! Also, this situation is not good for America not only in the sense that pollutants will ultimately come back to us, but also because we are at risk of losing our British friends / allies, as your question demonstrates!!! Remember that not ALL Americans are bad. :-)
thanks for your feedback, KEJ2000 - i agree with your statement that we shouldn't tar all Americans with the same brush - just thought you (as an American) should be aware of the image Mr Bush is sending out to the world on behalf of USA.
Treaclefight your idea is much too sensible to be taken seriously
Treaclefight your idea is much too sensible to be taken seriously
Hi again! I'm painfully aware of the image Bush is sending out to the rest of the world. There is nothing I myself can do about it!!! I didn't vote for him... I don't vote Republican... I always try to convert the Republicans I do know... I've even lost friends that way! Nobody can assassinate the man, it is physically impossible. I say Treaclefight should run for president with me as her vice president. Darth, will you fund our campaign?
Treacle is scottish and therefore (like Mr Schwarzenegger) cannot run for USA president. Also, being a Jedit knight i tend not to carry cash. on the other hand i can use the death star technology to wipe old Bushfeatures out, though it tends to be a bit overkill and take out planets, rather than single victims. Hey, why don't i use jedi mind tricks and make him talk sense/sign the Kyoto agreement/stick his head up his own arse?
Hello Darth! Ha!!! -- I thought your answer about Death Star technology was so clever that I even copied & saved it to my hard drive as a text file, just in case Ed. erases it for being too "chatty". Now, as for tarring Americans, you may use the same brush for me, but how about a different tar? Like, much less sticky tar? That washes off very easily with soap? I guess the only practical solution to all of this is for you to become prime minister of Britain, then the world will see a change for the better.