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Further To 50 Shades Of Dave

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10ClarionSt | 14:26 Sat 09th May 2015 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I've no doubt that the new Tory govt will target the working class, the sick, the old, the poor. The Bullingdon Boys will also attempt to eradicate the Trade Unions and the Labour Party. They are the rich governing for the rich. They don't have the slightest concept of ordinary working life, or life for someone who is out of work. They can do this on the Thatcher premise that none of the above would vote for them anyway, so it won't lose them any votes. Cameron says they want to be the party of working families. What a joke from a Tory toff. Of course most AB'ers won't be affected by any of this, judging by the replies I've seen. The only people who have been better off in the last 5 years are the richest people in this country. The beat goes on, but even louder and faster now for all you wealthy people. :o)


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Well, not looking forward to the next 5 years, my only consolation is I likely won't last that long, but at least I have enough to get myself cremated !
Everyone keeps saying 5 years of Tory government. With the SNP now cemented into Scotland , No Liberal party and labour in the state it is in ...Get ready for at least 10 years of Tory rule :-)
I personally say good ....
They need to finish what they have started in my opinion.

10Clarion I stopped reading your OP when I got to The Bullingdon Boys..... I am certainly not well off but I'd rather be on the Tories side than be on the side of the lefties who cannot see that borrowing money and supporting dead weights, those who will not lift their a***s off the sofa. Instead find something to do besides going to the food bank and moaning about their lack of help, and blaming everyone but themselves. As a pensioner I would like to be given a thousand quid a month ...but dream on, I'd have to go back out to work, and who would employ me now? Tory bashing doesn't help, get used to it for the next 5 years.
askyourgran, I get the impression he thinks people are 'entitled'. They're not.

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