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Bliss Today Is.....

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gness | 14:56 Mon 11th May 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
....meeting the chap with the bag and the picky up gadget...

Today was too nice for the city so playing on the beach won the vote...

Yesterday was the day for families and dogs to enjoy the beach.....and today there is no litter.....not one piece....and no dog poo.....

I saw a chap gathering something and bagging it......he told me it was pieces of broken glass washed ashore.
This is a grand beach for children and dogs.....he told me.....We wouldn't like them to get cut on the glass so a group of us walk the beach and pick up any pieces we of us will be out here every day.

And the litter...I asked....there's none.....

Ah well, we are all doing our bit to make sure we don't leave'll find some in the city.......but not much...

Bliss indeed..... :-)


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Ireland sure isn't cheap - but I'm hoping that the £ stays up at around 1.40€ for my forthcoming trip - that will make everything about 1/6 cheaper than last summer.

My spies tell me that a pint of Guinness is currently 4.40€ - which is only just over £3.15 - not too bad at all :)
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I've done okay with the euro, Ummmm....and having family here makes a difference.....
But you're's expensive. I bought a little top for £12 recently....the same in a Howth shop yesterday,.....34 euro......and some of the supermarket prices make my eyes water....

Okay, Tony....restoration cars....but the blasted things still cost us points!
Oh well it might be next year by the time we get done here. Mrask has badly sprained hand the xrays show no broken bones but his hand is swollen twice it's size and throbbing etc. long time since we had a throb. He slipped and his fingers were bent backwards, said he heard them crack. It hasn't helped having arthritis in that hand. Could take a week or two before he can hold anything.
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Long time since you had a throb??? Grab him while he can't fend you off!!!!
It was the price of food that I was shocked at.

It made the airport look cheap.

Lol gness x
I'm surprised that Ireland is expensive, has it become expensive since they joined the Euro zone ?.
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The food prices are a shock, Ummmm....but must say the food is fantastic. The wine is expensive too.....but I was able to bring a good supply this time....:-)

No....always has been expensive, Tony......
Righto gness, thanks. Cheaper for me then I don't drink wine.

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