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jennyjoan | 10:29 Wed 13th May 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Am in the middle of deleting them and I am deleting them one by one - is there a quicker way of deleting them all at once. Ta


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What are your reasons for deleting 'Subscribed Threads' ?. They aren't taking up any space within your computer.

They sort of do Hans - they appear in a great list on the bottom right of the screen
@Prudie...Are you serious and consider that six items form a great list.?

Anyway, I would be interested to know if you and jennyjoan are experiencing any difficulty by their presence.


Hans where do you get 6 from? We don't know how many JJ is trying to delete. If she had 20 subscribed threads they would all appear down the right hand side of the AB page wouldn't they (for a time limit at least)?.

I'm not experiencing difficulty and JJ wants to know if there's a quicker way to unsubscribe to them. I would suggest not, she has to do them individually?
Only 6 show 'in the box' even if you are subscribed to 100s
Thanks hc4361 for having confirmed that only six 'subscribed threads' appear on the right hand side of an open page.

I accidentally subscribed to a thread last week. What a pain in the backside! Meanwhile, I hadn't checked my e-mails for at least five days, I was inundated with AB messages about a post I wasn't even interested in! My fault completely, I know. I've tested it, there do not seem to be any short cuts. If you do subscribe in future, delete as you go.
There used to be a tick box in 'my profile' that you ticked if you wanted emails when your subscribed threads were updated.
Why this option was removed I have no idea.
One by one seems to be the only way JJ - I start off doing it then lose the will.
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I thought so - one by one - no big deal - just wondered and curious. thanks all for your replies.
jj, don't know if this helps but I go into the post that I've subscribed to and press 'Unsubscribe' so no more e-mails

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