I suspect that if this were a 45yo man with a 15yo girl then they wouldn't be on Good Morning.
Media URL: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1317726 Description:
Interesting the bit about Georgia law allowing a' teenager' to marry without parental consent if he has got the bride pregnant. Does that mean a 13 year old could use this loophole to legally get married without parental consent?
Very strange sex laws in Georgia!
It is illegal for anyone male, female, gay or straight to have sex even with consent unless they are married to the person they have it with!
More research into the state of Georgia's sexual offence laws:
All oral and anal sex is illegal, whether married or not.
Force is required for the offence of rape - so even if the victim is asleep or unconscious due to intoxication and cannot give consent, unless force is used, there is no crime.