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Bad English

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RATTER15 | 21:39 Sat 16th May 2015 | Jokes
14 Answers
I used to go out with an English teacher, but she dumped me.
She didn't approve of my improper use of the colon.


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So,your relationship came to,a full stop then?
What sentence did she impose?
Did she see it as a capital offence.
Comma gain?
Did you live in a semi?
How rude :-)
Hyphen idea you're not telling us everything.
She probably thought you were a bit of a dipthong
Did you correctly understand her parts of speech?
I'd have to question her about it and put a stop to it.
Did you explain to her that your English might be transitive?
I dont think the the problem was the comma, you were just a pain in the ***.
You're lucky her parentheses didn't catch you.
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Bad English

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