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Bargain Flights

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Forrey | 13:25 Tue 02nd May 2006 | Travel
3 Answers

A friend of mine is applying for sponsorship so she can continue working in the UK. She has been told that she has to leave the country sometime this week whilst her paperwork is submitted to the Home Office.

Does anyone know of any bargain flights available at the moment (leaving last minute) to any European country (not including Ireland).

Also, does anyone know the chances of getting a standby ticket if she waits at any London airport?



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I always use this site for last minute flights and have always found them cheapest by far

Im not sure about stand by tickets but if there is space available on a flight they may let her, but she could be in for a very long wait.

Hope the above site helps x

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Thanks for your answer lou 26 I will pass this website on to my mate.

She'll certainly get a standby ticket at any London airport if she's not over fussy about where she goes - probably to fly within an hour or two.

It will not be cheap though - it will be the maximum fare on the route.

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