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Good Nature Day

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sherrardk | 21:25 Mon 25th May 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just been watching the bats going crazy, a red kite flew over us on the way round the shop earlier and the rhea have been let out of their pen so I can watch them from the bedroom window (not now, obviously). Glass half-full and all that.


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I like watching rheas too.
The rhea - three toed ostrich from South America?
I have also had a pretty good nature day ( well sort of ), been down to Santa Pod ( drag strip ) today and in between the races I saw quite a few hawk type of birds soaring over the surrounding area. No idea what type of hawk they were but they were fairly big ones.
Shoota, your Rhea joke was bad...dire even!
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Yes, there's a small fisherie (sp ?) just over the way and they've had the rhea for a while (in pens) but now they let them out - quite a nice way to while away the time.
'Specially plump ones....
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Shoota - They're getting worse :)
With nice long legs...
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Good Nature Day

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