What Do You Do In Your Spare Time? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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What Do You Do In Your Spare Time?

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nailit | 21:37 Sat 30th May 2015 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
There seems to be some people on here 24/7
Can well understand how people can get addicted to internet sites, twittering away and updating their status on facebook and checking emails and posting on AB. If I were on broadband (im on a dongle) I think I would spend a lot more time on here myself, it IS a bit addictive.
But away from the computer what else do you do in your spare time?
For the past 3 years Ive been a single bloke and as most of you know have been through a few troubles in that time but now am starting to think that I want to broaden my horizens. I always find people on here fascinating and diverse and I learn a lot from all of you. So I am curious, how do you fill YOUR spare time?
Thank you.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Can't believe we are still churning this out I mean it's only 3 months ago we had same post from the same user and that got 74 replies. Move on people plenty other subjects surely
cazza no one makes you read or post on any thread. If you don't like it then buzz off.
I work full time and never really 'stop' in evenings and weekends. Most of my spare time is spent doing: Dogwalking, car-booting, Auctions, cooking, cleaning, shopping, visiting friends & Family, meals out, DIY, photography, visiting airshows/ garden shows, gardening, helping MIL with allotment. There's the inevitable weddings/ christenings/ baby showers to attend in spring/ summer.
I've also started making patchwork quilts for friends who are about to have a baby - so that's taken up a lot of my time recently.
I'm not a social person really so have to 'push' myself to get out and about, otherwise I'd just sit on the internet all day and 'stew' - But there's nothing wrong with having a bit of down time to slouch and internet surf too :-)
I do try and look up 'Things to do' on the local council pages, but a lot of days out are organised through word of mouth.
Work part-time, look after my lovely dog, read a lot, meet up with friends for meals or BBQ's, trips out with new(ish) bloke and watch Corrie on TV !
I used to drink a lot in my spare time !!! after health scare...will have to take up proper hobbies instead !!!

wanna learn Italian and travel

/Broseph.....there is something you missed in that post......think about it... got it?.....☺/

/Oh and by the way, Broseph....I'm not referring to your misuse of the apostrophe.....x/


☺x :)
I find that gardening is a great source of pleasure, whether it's flowers, or fruit and veg.
I love to go out to my garden first thing in the morning, weather permitting, and see how things have grown from the day before, what is racing away, and what looks a bit sad and needs some help.
If you don't have a garden space, is there a local charity that is looking for volunteers?
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Well now, who cares, Broseph...who cares?

Well I suppose anyone who has half a heart....a smidgen of common sense and an IQ of more than a brick...but if you don't care my lovely it bothers me not one whit.....should bother you though......xxx
Coming on this site fills my spare time. I have spent about six hours today checking the marking of my teamof examiners and in various bits of admin.
I amuse myself in my "spare" time.

I wish I could claim that be something significant but enthusiasm is lacking. It's too much to be impressive so I try to ignore the pointless nature of that which is enjoyable.

Maybe I'll turn over a new leaf next New Year; do things I'd be proud to boast of, but it's very unlikely.

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