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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 22:57 Wed 03rd Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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Evening Mamya + those who may follow....Heard this on very moving episode of Benefit Street....had no idea Johnny Cash had recorded it x x
...actually, I feel I should apologise for posting it,.....was pretty dire ;) x x
Evening all - dont appear very often but your starter for tonight reminded me of this.
One of my mood changers if I need livening up a bit.
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Brilliant that, Baths. You can feel the pain and hurt in his voice. (so I'm going for this.
evening all.
@Talbot...ah, bless ya,...pain + hurt is one way of describing it! Just on way to bath, shall listen to yours after ;)

x x
Evening all..
Baths, not Johnny Cash' best but I listened anyway. Just not his type of song eh?
I prefer Leona doing that (run) during her BBC live lounge Butterbun.
sorry for delay, my toilette took a little longer than expected ;)
@Talby.....quite liked your song....listening through earphones as I type
@BB...I'm sure your version will be some light relief

x x
@Butterbun....quite liked Leona's version, but nothing beats Roberta Flack's for me personally. Tried to find a clip of it from Play Misty for Me but it's unavailable...spoilsports. Clint,.mmmmmm,...;)
x x
Is this a rebel song?
I would say it is, Talby,...+ I really shouldn't have listened to it at this time of night,'s gentle wind-down time with hot choc....;)
G'nite x x
Well I quite liked it.

G/Night, Baths

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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