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anneasquith | 23:14 Tue 02nd Jun 2015 | News
18 Answers
re the 13year old girl who has been missing from home since Saturday. police have found a body, poor wee girl.


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sorry to hear that anne
That's very sad news.
poor kid R I P
No suspicious circumstances. Looks like an accident.
Her poor family
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thanks for the link jo.
You're welcome, anne.
Very sad news, saw a clip on Sky news earlier that she went missing after an argument at home.
From the news report, it appears that the body was found quite close to some houses. I am surprised that it wasn't discovered earlier.
so very sad.
Does this mean it was a suicide I wonder.
Question Author
I see no point in speculating about cause of death, no doubt the media will inform us when they have any information,
Dreadfully sad.
But people do speculate aa, it's the nature of the beast.
According to the news today, she was found hanged. Sad news :::
So sorry for the family & friends, dreadful tragedy.
Reminds me of only child, boy 12y in my class who did same at home while his parents were at work. I think it was accidental in his game play. Such a shock for his poor parents and everyone who knew him.
This is such a sad outcome, how awful that happened. Such a tragedy for her family and friends.

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