Horrible isn't it Melv? Last time camped it was glorious sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, but the nights were freezing. And we pitched the tent on a bit of a slope so we'd wake up huddled in the corner :-)
god for the first time in a quare while I left my heating on all night - a rarity believe me. Anyway let Maxie to his ablutions but but by gorra it is freezing here - maybe just because I am just up.
Beautiful day here on the east coast of Scotland. Sun is shining and the wind has dropped at last. Washing on the line and off out for a long(ish) walk. God is in his heaven and all's right with the world (some of it anyway).
I'm a little further up than maggiebee we have sun inbetween heavy showers, each time I think that's it I get ready to take the dog out and the heavens opens. Dog hates the rain, so I give up.
It was cloudy, and there were a few spots of rain on the wind when I popped into Town earlier, but it's cleared up and it's mostly sunny now. Still breezy though.