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MrMartell | 18:35 Sat 13th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
1st brandy of the night ...believe me i need it.!!!


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blams', Psybbs, blams' liver.....
Cuddles went into his local off-licence and asked for a bottle of brandy. The chap behind the counter asked "For you? - you like Brandy?"

"Yes, and Yes".

"Tell me, I am a Muslim so I don't drink alcohol. But I believe there is much tradition behind the way you drink it. Is that true? How do you drink brandy?"

Cuddles responded, "Well, there are two ways. The first is to pour the brandy into a large glass - a bit like a miniature goldfish bowl. Then you must hold the glass in both hands for a while. This warms the brandy and releases the delicate aroma. You must then swill the brandy round the glass a couple of times. Then put your nose into the glass and inhale deeply, thus getting the full character of the brandy. Pass the glass in front of your nose, once left, once right, then left again. Then carefully but firmly lift the glass to your lips and drink".

"And the second way?"

"Do what I do, mate, and swig it from the bottle!".
Now look here you lot! It's "birthday secretary Ann" here ...... I'm getting so confused (I'm a confused old woman anyway haha! ;) with all these AB name changes, someone needs to write me an updated list! Am I right Mr M that you used to be bernie and in your new persona do you still have and want your birthday posted for 18 July (that's if I remember!) ;)
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That's correct Ann xxx
OK Will do my best! xx
Mr Martell, why have you transmogrified? What was up with Bernie?
cuddles !! have morphed...or is this a mid life crisis ? lol ...
Ann, I am impressed by your devotion to (self imposed?) duty
Really appreciate my birthday being remembered and the responses from other Abers
Why the change?
Oh dear, Craft has arrived, I'm off, goodnight.
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Personal reasons people..
What have I ever done to Psybbo?
Maybe she's joking, Craft.

Hello MrM.
Cheers MrM, enjoy your drink.

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Cheers All !!

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