Talking to granddaughter last night, she is having a gap year, travelling through a lot of countries, starting in Australia.
She was telling me about the vaccinations she has to have before she goes. There was such a long list and most of them are not available on NHS. She is going to have to pay about £450. This seems an awful amount of money for an 18 year old girl to have to find.
I didn't imagine vaccinations could cost so much.
A ridiculous amount of money, I agree. How about helping her to work out a less expensive itinerary? My elder daughter went straight to Uni. whilst my younger one (despite my arguments) insisted on a gap-year. She spent it training as an emergency bank-teller and earning enough cash to help her pay her uni bills and minimise her student loan.
She does work, she is at H&M as often as she can fit it round her schooling and exams. She takes her last one this Friday so will be able to fit more hours in if they are able.