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wills0 | 09:14 Sun 14th Jun 2015 | Jokes
7 Answers
two parrots sitting on a perch ... one says to other "can you smell fish"??


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two fish in a tank - - one if them says "how does one drive this thing?"

two lions devouring a comedian - one declares "this tastes funny!"
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Two eggs in a saucepan of boiling water. One says; 'Phew, it's hot in here!'
The other replies, 'Wait till you get out. They're going to smash your head in!'

two flies perched on robinson crusoe's leg - one says "i am off now, i'll see you on friday'

an ant is running fast along the top of a cornflakes box

another ant asks "what are you doing"

the first ant replies "can't you read? - it says on the box, tear along the dotted line"
two vd germs sitting on a railway line, one says to the other 'I'm a goner 'ere'

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