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Re;How to thank people.

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smoker1 | 19:08 Tue 02nd May 2006 | People & Places
14 Answers

Thank you for your replies,but I don't get any options at top of page when I read answer to my question,am I missing something? Your replies are much appreciated.



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smoker, post an answer isn't at the top of the page, it's just below your question.

i think you may well be pulling our collective legs now but i'll play along because i'm trying to put off tort revision (yuk)...

right i'll take this real slow
1. go to
2. remember where you posted your question e.g. which section, if it is like this one it will be in people and places.
3. click on the link to that category on the left hand side
4. Look for your question in the list provided, only 20 are on the first page so you may need to press the "next 20" button at the bottom of the page in the orange bar.
5. once you have located your question click on the title to the question - this is known as a link it will take you to a new page we the whole question and any answers you have recieved will be displayed.
6. to add a comment at the bottom, press the Post an Answer button just underneith your question - see this link for an pic showing where this is exactly
7. it may then ask you to sign in, do so
8. write your response / thank you and then hit submit.

i hope this works for you... please let this work for you!!!!!

lots of love undercovers

With all due respect to smoker1, undercovers...I laughed so much with your pic ( the arrow !!! ) !!! Thank you !
Hope you have got it now, smoker1. x

oh dear, maximo, me too..... that pic makes it look like I've lost it & drawn that arrow....

sorry smoker, I do hope you can see the funny side ...... :o)

Lol ! Q : How can you tell undercover is blonde ?

A : There are biro marks on his computer screen...

oh lordy, don't start me off again....I've looked at that pic about 10 times & it just gets funnier.....

Thats one funny arrow undercovers. i liked it. still:-)
Now, thats what i call a properly answered question!!! lmao undercovers!

i thought my arrow was inspired!

though i am more than a little concerned to see it hasn't really worked yet... smoker did the arrow not help?

just brilliant undercovers...and it does get funnier everytime the picture opens up :o)

yeah i liked it too... BUT i notice i got no stars or a thank you reply, well if you can't post answers after the arrow and everything then smoker i GIVE UP!

love undercovers

here undercovers you can have mine, I didn't deserve them but you did for making me laugh ....... * * *
ahhh many tanks robinia x

lmao at undercovers

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