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This Takes The Biscuit.

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sandyRoe | 08:35 Tue 23rd Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
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There's been a fight in a biscuit tin. A lad called Rocky hit a Penguin over the head with a Club, tied him to a Wagon Wheel with a Blue Ribbon and made his Breakaway in a Taxi. Police say Rocky was last seen just After Eight by a Viscount from Maryland, Hobnobbing with a Ginger Nut and an accomplice only known to the police as Rich T. Unfortunately they don't have a...
09:39 Tue 23rd Jun 2015
I think the use of a stinging nettle to commit ABH is even more shocking. What's the world coming to?
I once assaulted a co-worker with a wet tea towel. I suppose I'd be ending my custodial sentence about now...
Must just be for export Hans.
I've never seen them ;-)
cuppa tea and a Kitkat

did the police charge him with - - - - death by chocolate ?

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