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Do You Want Whiskers With That?

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sandyRoe | 07:34 Wed 24th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

During the siege of Derry a fine specimen could fetch 6d. They are probably quite nutritious.


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I think if they served that shape they should expect folk to believe it was what it looked like.

Darned awkward, but a little training of staff to spot such publicity risks and keep them back to themselves, might not go amiss.

Need to ensure that didn't turn into a free-for-all of free food with staff claiming everything looks rat-like.
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I didn't realise KFC were around in those days, sandy. What did they taste like?
i'm not surprised that it wasn't rat but i am surprised that it was chicken

Did you coypu & paste that, ozzy?
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svejk, 6d in those days was a fortune. I could never afford one.
Ah, right. ;)
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1ozzy, you'd get a Sunday lunch out of that one and left overs for sandwiches on Monday. There's easily half a crowns worth there.
They are still about, there is a drive through KFC just up the road from me.

Walked there and tried it about a year or two ago (not just drive in, you can go inside) for nostalgia's sake. Seem to recall the coating tasted nice and wanted to retry it once more.

Found it confusing inside, more like one of those burger places, with menus up and not easy to understand what was on offer. I ended up just choosing something more or less at random as I couldn't really work out how to simply get a few chicken pieces.

Was not overly impressed. It was, ok, I suppose but not the flavour delight I thought I recalled from my youth. Not been tempted to have a return visit. Maybe one day.

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