I have wifi upstairs but when I am on FaceTime downstairs the connection comes and goes. I wonder if having a booster for the wifi would help this situation and if I do is it an easy option?
May well help, and they are easy enough to use if you follow the instructions. i take it that the WiFi router/modem is upstairs since it is downstairs you have issues with ?
the router is upstairs and I usually work on the Ipad downstairs so though a booster would be the answer.
Do these boosters have to be tuned in to the one I have?
The booster picks up the signal from the the router and transmits it again you have a larger range. It's been some time since I set one up, but if I recall correctly it tells you which WiFi signals it can see, and you have to tell it which is yours and give it the password so it can communicate with the router: but once going that's sorted.