Friday again! Another week almost over. 'They' tell us summer proper Will start next week. We'll see.
Tiggy didn't venture far last night, but spent a fair bit of time rootling round the garden before going to bed. A bit cool for him I reckon. He enjoyed his supper though.
Not a lot to do today, so that's what I'll do. :o} Two charters tomorrow though.
Yup. Usually got something to do. I do have the odd day off, but most of what I do doesn't require a lot of energy. On the boat, once all the checks are done, that takes about 10 minutes, it's a matter of enjoying the views from the stern. For the rest of it, it's mainly a matter of talking to people.
Morning baths xxx Not too late at all. :o} How are you this morning?
JJ it's mainly in the visitor centre on the canal, explaining to people what we are doing and how we are doing it.
Also involved with setting up a new charity to allow disabled folk to get on the water in a smaller boat. It's like a mini landing craft with a ramp at the front, so that wheelchairs to just wheel on. It can go where bigger boats cannot. We also have a katakanu, that's a purpose built twin hull canoe, that they can have a paddle and have fun.